2016 Green Party Presidential Contender Dr. Jill Stein: Independents Don’t...
2016 Green Party Presidential contender, Dr. Jill Stein, joins Jesse Ventura to discuss why 2016 should be the year of the third party. Will Dr. Stein make it into the Presidential debates? Tune in to...
View ArticleJesse Ventura’s ‘Sh*t Politicians Say!’ – Donald Trump Vs. Jeb Bush Edition
Jesse Ventura offers another edition of his popular ‘Sh*t Politicians Say!’This time, it’s all about the public — and very personal — battle between Donald Trump and Jeb Bush.Both politico...
View ArticleJesse Ventura Shares Surprising Poll Results: Would You Elect An Atheist As...
Jesse Ventura reveals America’s changing religious landscape. In 1958 a mere 18 percent of Americans said they’d elect an atheist for President, but today, 58 percent say they’d elect one. Plus, the...
View ArticleJesse Ventura Reacts to Scott Walker’s Shocking Anti-Abortion Bill & Other...
Jesse Ventura reacts to Republican Presidential contender, Scott Walker’s punitive anti-abortion bill that makes no exceptions for victims of rape or incest, and on Walker’s move to cut $250 million...
View ArticleThe REAL Cost of Reversing Birthright Citizenship: Does Jesse Ventura Approve...
Jesse Ventura runs the numbers on the true cost of altering the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment to reverse birthright citizenship. Donald Trump may be resting much of his campaign strategy on this...
View ArticleJesse Ventura’s Birthday Message to Bernie Sanders
“The times, they are a-changin’!” Jesse Ventura invokes the lyrics of Bob Dylan to discuss the meteoric rise of Senator Bernie Sanders from his “Little Campaign That Could” to a real contender in the...
View Article2016 Goes to the Dogs! Jesse Ventura on the New Collared Candidate & What It...
Well, it’s official: the 2016 race for the presidential nomination has become a dog and pony show as a canine from Kentucky enters the race. The Border Collie may not be beating Trump in the polls,...
View ArticleOn The Grid at the CNN Debate: Alex Logan Versus the GOP’s Big Day
Jesse Ventura’s name holds more weight with the Republicans than you might expect. At least enough to get Vigilant Producer Alex Logan a press pass into the CNN Reagan Library debate. All of his...
View ArticleJesse Ventura: 2016 Hopeful Larry Lessig On Our Broken Government, Taking...
2016 Democratic hopeful and government reform activist Larry Lessig is running on an unusual platform: he wants to take money out of politics, end partisan gerrymandering, and provide all Americans...
View ArticleFear & Loathing in Bern Vegas: On the Grid at the DNC Debate
The #OnTheGrid Team did it again! This time we crashed the CNN and Facebook’s Democratic Presidential Debate in Las Vegas. This DemoCrazy Showdown between Bernie, Hillary, and the three other guys who...
View ArticleWould Socialism Be Bad for America? Jesse Ventura on the Dirtiest Word in...
About half the country would vote for a socialist president. Half! But if you ask the GOP what socialism (or self-described democratic socialist Bernie Sanders) would do for this country, they’d tell...
View ArticleThe Plight of the Third Party: Alex Logan Goes On The Grid at Politicon 2015
Jesse Ventura sends his Vigilant Producer Alex Logan “on the grid” to Politicon 2015 to discuss third parties. Even at a convention by and for political wonks, most people openly admit they won’t...
View ArticleJesse Ventura: First Independent President Since Washington?
If Bernie, Trump, and Paul don’t receive the presidential nomination, who can the independent voter turn to? Judge Andrew Napolitano agrees that it may be time for Jesse Ventura to accept his destiny...
View Article2016: The Most Expensive Election…Ever?
The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur joins Jesse Ventura to take on the 2016 elections, which may just me the most expensive ever. Experts are predicting the campaigns alone could cost up to $10 billion. Let’s...
View ArticleGovernment For Sale: How the 2016 Elections Are Bought!
Who’s funding Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? Watch Jesse Ventura investigate the backers of the 2016 presidential elections! Plus, does money translate into popularity? How come Jeb’s...
View ArticleJesse Ventura: Citizens Unite Against Citizens United!
How should our elections be financed? How can we prevent our 2016 elections from costing up to $10 billion? In this edition of #WWJVD, Jesse Ventura gives you the answers, encouraging all Americans to...
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