Jesse Ventura reacts to Republican Presidential contender, Scott Walker’s punitive anti-abortion bill that makes no exceptions for victims of rape or incest, and on Walker’s move to cut $250 million from the University of Wisconsin to put toward funding a new basketball arena. Tune into this all new edition of #WTF to hear Jesse’s advice, governor to governor. Do you think Scott Walker still has a chance at the GOP nom?
Jesse Ventura: GOP Presidential contender Scott Walker wants to deny victims of rape or incest the right to choose. What the fuck?
It’s time for a new edition of WTF.
Today we are calling on GOP Presidential hopeful Scott Walker for waging a war on women and education. Let’s go to my vigilant producer Brigitta Santos in the Command Center to find out what the fuck’s up with Scott Walker? Brigitta, you’re telling me Scott Walker’s just another monkey controlled by the corporate purse strings? You don’t say, really?
Brigitta Santos: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is one of the many Republicans running for President, but this year he signed one of the most punitive anti-abortion bills in the nation, banning the procedure after 20 weeks and offering no exceptions even in cases when rape or incest have resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. As mandated by the bill, doctors who disobey will reportedly be jailed or fined. From Governor to Governor, what would you tell Scott Walker about this bill?
Jesse Ventura: I would tell Scott Walker, he’s not going far enough. If he believes that a doctor performs this it is murder, than charge the doctor with murder. It’s premeditated, so it would be first degree murder, wouldn’t it? If these guys truly want to stand up to it, then they got to go all the way with it. Anybody involved in it goes to jail for murder. The thing that bugs me most about Scott Walker, the Governor of Wisconsin and all Republicans of this ilk, is that they seem to care more about the unborn that they do the people who are already here.
You know that Scott Walker is a big guy for breaking up Unions cutting out welfare, cutting out aid to dependent children, all of those types of things. Get rid of the safety net, yet he wants all these babies to be born and then be abandoned. Bring them into the world and then there’s no safety net to survive. Gee, Scott, what do you think their chances for success will be? Slim and none, and slim just probably left the building with you. Scott Walker’s typical, not even for rape or incest? If someone is impregnated by incest or rape, they are to go through and have the child? I wonder if it happens to someone close to you, if you’ll feel the same way about it.
Brigitta Santos: Back in 2012 Scott Walker overturned Wisconsin’s equal pay enforcement act, designed to deter wage discrimination. When asked during a Boston Herald radio interview this year of what he thought of Hillary Clinton’s support for equal pay legislation similar to the one he shut down, he said he’s stuck by his decision. He stated that instead of mandating equal pay we need to “Help make sure people have the skills, education and qualifications they need to succeed in life and live their piece of the American dream.” It’s nice in theory, but the American Association of University Women proves that it takes more than what Walker proposed. Studies show that women who graduate from college will make less in their first jobs than men who went to similar schools, studied similar topics and had similar grades, so the gap will remain no matter how much more education a woman pursues. In fact, the gap actually gets wider with every degree she obtains.
Jesse Ventura: You’ve got to remember, Scott Walker is very evangelical and in his book women are subservient, in his book women came from his rib, so therefore why would they be thought up as equal in the workplace? That’s the problem with the religious people that follow their convictions and bring it into government. They bring many archaic type of thoughts that discriminate against not only women, but people of color, anything, there’s a great deal of discrimination in religion and religious people all have it. They won’t admit it, but they do have it because the scriptures themselves do it and if you follow those scriptures, you discriminate.
I have to laugh when everyone jumped all over Donald Trump for his remark against Megyn Kelly, the reporter who took a quote from him from a TV show and figured she was a real nifty journalist for it. Yet Trump got all this grief, and yet if you look at Donald’s record, he pays women equally in the Trump camp. To me, put your money where your actions are, not where your mouth is.
Brigitta Santos: The New York Times reports Walker approved 250 million dollars in public financing for the Milwaukee Bucks basketball arena. Owners of the National Basketball Association, which includes a top fundraiser for Walker’s presidential campaign, reportedly threatened to leave the state without public funding for a new stadium. Bucks owners claim a new arena is needed to attract fans and estimate the cost to 500 million dollars. Taxpayers will reportedly pay 250 million of that amount. 250 million dollars were slashed by Walker from the University of Wisconsin’s budget back in February.
Jesse Ventura: That paid for it didn’t it? Scott Walker loves corporate welfare. He just hates social welfare. Scott Walker will give corporations whatever they desire. Why? They own him. The person on the street that needs a loaf of bread and has to stand in the welfare line; cut them off, they are free loaders, they are no good. If you look at corporate welfare and you look at social welfare, corporate welfare is a hundred times more. The Milwaukee Bucks stadium is the greatest example of corporate welfare. Way to go Scott, you stand up for corporate welfare. Why? Because they pay your bills.
Why isn’t there a little bit of an investigation into that? He makes a promise, gets them a new building and they support his run for President? Could it be any more blatant than the bribery that just took place?
That’s it for this edition of What The Fuck. What do you think vigilant viewers? It’s time to add the National Basketball Association to Scott Walker’s NASCAR suit. Let me know on Facebook or Twitter and be sure to check to get all the latest episodes of Off The Grid. Until next time, stay vigilant.