The #OnTheGrid Team did it again! This time we crashed the CNN and Facebook’s Democratic Presidential Debate in Las Vegas. This DemoCrazy Showdown between Bernie, Hillary, and the three other guys who somehow got on stage proved once again that holding a debate over a year before an election does nothing more than distract from the Fat Cat capitalists pickpocketing the 99%, while masquerading as democracy. But hey, at least we had a few laughs… at Lincoln Chafee’s expense.
Alex Logan: Las Vegas, Nevada. Sin city, rife with drinking, gambling, prostitution and now the greatest sin of them all, the Presidential primary debate held over a year before the election. I am Off The Grid’s vigilant producer Alex Logan and I am here on the grid at CNN and Facebook’s first Democratic Presidential debate.
Protester: Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!
Alex Logan: Why are you out here protesting Hillary today?
Protester: I am here rallying in support of Hillary because I’d supported her since 1992 when her husband ran for President. I wanted her to run then. Really with her record and just the way she’s bringing out all of her policies, I don’t see how anyone can stop her.
Alex Logan: Despite the candidate being thousands of miles away from here, Trump looms over everything.
What are you so excited to be out here for today?
Bearded Man: I’m the opposition to all this hoopla that’s going on.
Alex Logan: Who are you backing then?
Bearded Man: Donald Trump.
Alex Logan: Is that why you are in the shadow of his tower right here?
We are in the CNN spin room and guess what? It already feels like home. We are here to see the democrazy showdown between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders plus Jim O’Malley, Martin Webb and Lincoln Nebraska, I think that’s their names. Whatever.
Anyways, let’s spin. When I found that Facebook was co-sponsoring the debate I thought to myself great, they are going to get young people involved in the political process, but then I found out that Facebook and young people feel the same way about politics. F Elections. Really? F them?
When we were at the Reagan Library we ended half watching the GOP debate completely on TV screens, now that we came all the way to Vegas, I’m going to figure out which room they are shooting the debate in and we are going to watch it live. I think it’s right through this door, let’s check it out. No, just a bunch of people watching it on TV. Bernie’s looking good though, right?
Everyone’s asking the same question, who do they think won. If I had to put my money on it and say Jim Webb, not because I think he did the best job or so of what he said he would do to his enemies, murder them.
Jim Webb: I’d have to say the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he’s not around right now to talk to.
Alex Logan: I think the other big question is who had the best signature hand move of the night. Bernie Sanders with his maestro conducting and orchestra. The people will follow him to the polls. People are also asking who lost the debate and that’s an easy answer. Lincoln Chafee, who’s defense for not being able to vote on something, do it the right way – I don’t know it was my first day, come on I’m not even supposed to be here man, I didn’t know, please leave me alone Anderson Cooper.
Anderson Cooper: You are saying you didn’t know what you were voting for?
Lincoln Chafee: I just arrived at the Senate.
Anderson Cooper: You were casting a vote for something you weren’t really sure about.
Lincoln Chafee: I think you are being a little rough, I just arrived at the United States Senate, I had been Mayor of my city, my dad had died, I had been appointed by the Governor.
Alex Logan: The debate has just ended and people are flooding into the spin room right now. The media rushed the candidates trying to get them to repeat their talking points for their cameras, for their microphones, for their networks. We got that close to a socialist and we didn’t even catch communism.
Will we be at the next debate? Probably not. I feel like at this point we’ve all been debating a dead horse.